Monday, June 20, 2005

A Fatherless Father's Day

Yesterday was not a good day for me. It was my first father's day without my father.

I wasn't even thinking about it until we got into church and they were doing a presentation honoring fathers. It was very sweet and all of these fathers deserved recognition- I don't want to take away from that. I had a hard time (I cried and cried) and that is not their fault.

Those of you that are close enough to your father (geographically), I hope you gave him a big hug. Those of you not close to your father, I hope you sent a card and called. If you didn't- do it now! No matter what has happened, he is your father and nothing will change that so please, love him and know him.

I miss my dad. He was one of the best people I have ever known. If you met him, he is one of the best people you have ever known (just trust me on this).

One of my brothers just called and the verdict has come back on the man that ran into my dad and killed him. They are going down to the courthouse now to find out. PLEASE pray for me and my family. I should know within about an hour.


At 11:10 AM, Blogger tabitha jane said...

let us know what happens friend!

i love you!

At 2:40 PM, Blogger Mrs. Andrea Wood said...

Sorry I have not given an update sooner.

The man that carelessly ran a red light and drove into my father's car was found not guilty. They could only bring him up on a misdemeanor charge of running a red light and they couldn't mention the fact that he had two previous points on his record for running red lights and they couldn't mention that he was driving on a suspended license and without insurance (illegal in California). They also couldn't mention that because of his reckless behavior, a (wonderful)man died.

My poor mother is broken up and we may have to move on to a civil trial. I hate that she has to go through all of this and that I am across the country so I can't be with her.

Hopefully more upbeat news soon.

At 3:59 PM, Blogger breanna said...

i can understand the hurt of a fatherless father's day. This was my first father's day with any kind of dad at father-in-law. it was wierd, we didn't even see him or anything, but buying a card...calling and saying "happy father's day dad" was very surreal and awkward. It's a reverse of what you're experiencing, but just know that you're not alone in your experience.

praying for your family....


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