Thursday, June 16, 2005

Father's Day

No joke- On our way home from church last night I saw a billboard. It had a picture of a happy father lifting his little girl up in the air and they were laughing and having fun. WWWEEEEE!!!!!!!

What the billboard said is completely different! This is a direct quote "Mark this father's day with your yearly prostate exam" and the little girl was supposedly saying "Get your check, Daddy".

I don't know about any of the rest of you but I NEVER would have told my dad to go get a prostate exam. And I certainly wouldn't be that excited about it. This is not something that directly affects me so, I have not had such an exam but I can imagine that it is not pleasant. Because of that, I would think that most men would not want to celebrate a happy day that honors them with something so uncomfortable.



At 4:48 PM, Blogger Mrs. Andrea Wood said...

I think you may be right. It is all a conspiracy to weird everyone out. By the way- Thanks for the compliment! How did you find me?

At 10:32 AM, Blogger tabitha jane said...

i should have told my dad to get a prostate exam for father's day! i called him and he only talked to me for about 3 seconds before passing the phone off to my little sister.

great conversation dad. thanks for continually making the effort.

At 12:18 PM, Blogger rebecca marie said...

i get what your saying, bizarre delivery, but i'm pretty sure the message was, "enjoy father's day? wanna enjoy more? then make sure and get your early detection screenings done."

but yes, odd delivery.

At 3:20 PM, Blogger Mrs. Andrea Wood said...

Tabitha- which sister? Don't you have like, 48?

At 11:09 AM, Blogger tabitha jane said...

yeah, i do. sister number 33. tamara.

At 2:42 PM, Blogger Mrs. Andrea Wood said...

Gimpy- I am glad you are here! Come by any time.


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